C'est une bombe atomique, c'est une maîtrise basique de l'univers.
La force dont le soleil tire son énergie a été libérée.
Si ils n'acceptent pas nos conditions, ils devront s'attendre à une pluie de représailles, comme il n'y en a encore jamais eu sur cette terre.
No music was playing,
yet frau troffea went out to the streets and started to dance.
Slow steps at first,
but rapidly becoming unstable, vertiginous, epileptic.
Inebriated stumbles, clumsy movements, uncoordinated.
One foot after the other
in best-like leaps, consuming public space.
She danced for no manifest reason ,
throughout the day.
stones/ sweat/ mud
like the last days of a carnavalesque celebration.
Frau troffea leapt and spun,
in fast, sharp lines; loosing her balance.
With legs and arms forcing acute angles, or no angles at all.
The harsh cloth that barely covered her body starting ti ignore gravity,
cramping her moves.
As one arm rotates and the whole body follows its motion,
lingering with the resistance of the heavy heat of summer air.